Friday, June 7, 2013

The model, DJ and ambassador for 'Quit Smoking in 7 Days' shares her tips on how she quit
1-First thing in the morning, I always needed to have a cup of coffee but it used to make me desperate for a morning cigarette. By having herbal tea instead, I found that I stopped associating my morning drink with smoking. Plus, herbal teas are better for you anyway!
2-Drink lots, especially water and orange juice. The water flushes all the nicotine out of your system and means you will lower your craving, and drinking orange juice will also give you a vitamin boost.
3-Every time you think you want to smoke, go and do something else, anything! I often used to smoke just because I was bored. Fill the gaps in your day where you would usually smoke by going to the gym, experimenting in the kitchen or just taking up a new hobby.
4-Start putting all of the money that you used to spend on cigarettes in a kitty. When you see how much money you’ve saved at the end of the month just by cutting out cigarettes, you’ll be amazed!
5-My saving grace was working with Tim Smale, a clinical hypnotherapist. He created an online programme called ‘Quit Smoking in 7 Days’ which sends out up to 20 minutes of daily video content. It is a simple and painless way to stop smoking that can be done in the comfort of your own home. It’s great for people like me who really want to quit but need a helping hand!
6-Exercise, even if you just go for a walk around the block. The more exercise you do, the healthier you feel and the less you want to smoke.
7-Make a smoke-free diary. It helps to write down when you have a craving, and then you can start to see patterns of what makes you crave in the first place.
8-Wash anything you own that still smells of cigarettes, being around the smell all the time can be detrimental to a recent quitter.
9-Try not to talk about smoking all the time, even if you are just talking about how you have recently quit. Do not let smoking be the most important thing in your life.
10Treat yourself! At each little milestone, I gave myself something to look forward to, so book yourself a massage or do something you enjoy. Celebrate each success!
Posted by CNNDD On 3:35 PM No comments


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