Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The British Dental Association has urged parents to stop giving their children juices and smoothies because of the high sugar released in the crushing process.
Around 25 percent of UK toddlers regularly consume fruit juice while two thirds eat sugary sweets and snacks, the UK's Daily Mail reported.
In Australia, one in four parents feels guilty about their children drinking fruit juice, according to an industry report titled Getting the Guilts: Parents on Kids' Food.
Released in January, the survey found over half the parents said their children drank fruit juice at least three times a week. And of those parents who felt guilty about their children drinking juice, 73 percent attributed this guilt to being unsure whether it was the healthiest choice.
While the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines say that a small glass (125ml) of 100 percent fruit juice can contribute to a daily fruit serve, Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, told the Daily Mail a different story.
"Fruit juices are becoming increasingly popular and the fruit content can make them seem like a good idea," he said.
"However, they contain very high levels of sugar and acid and so can do a lot of damage to the teeth.
"At such a young age it is unrealistic to remove sweet foods and drinks altogether from a child's diet. To combat this, it is important to try to keep their consumption to mealtimes, and ensure they only drink water or milk between meals.
"Bear in mind it is better for the child's teeth and general health if they have three meals a day instead of seven to 10 'snack attacks', many of which will contain sugar."
The warning comes after a study by the Daily Mail found a 500ml serving of Ribena blackcurrant juice contains the same sugar as 13 Oreo biscuits.
So why is it worse to drink juice than eat fruit? Professor Laurence Walsh, head of the School of Dentistry at the University of Queensland, has said it's not just the concentrated sugar that's the problem.
Juices contain acids that can dissolve the enamel of the tooth, leaving the inner parts of teeth exposed, which leads to sensitivity.
"That's why if people drink either large amounts of orange juice or are regular users of soft drink, they start to notice that their teeth get sensitive as the acids dissolve the outside structure of the teeth," Walsh told the ABC.
Making the mouth more acidic also encourages the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.
But juice it is also contributing to weight problems. Fibre is removed in the juicing process, so there is nothing to line the intestine and slow the absorption of sugar, which will turn to fat if not used.
Walsh recommended limiting kids' juice consumption by choosing, 100 percent fruit, no added sugar options and diluting it with water. He also said using a straw will be better for the teeth in the long run.
Posted by CNNDD On 3:29 PM No comments


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